CremePieSwap: Here To Stay

Liam Ross
4 min readAug 12, 2021


There’s been some discontent amongst the CPIE community. We hear it, we understand it, we are working on it.

Yes, we are still looking to build the number 1 Polygon DEX.

Nothing has changed, our goals are still exactly the same as Day 1.

This mission in itself is one that is big in size, but also rewards at the end. The amount of dev required in itself makes this a monumental task, but one the community team is hell-bent on achieving.

But, there’s also been a few somewhat unjust accusations thrown the way of CPIE.

I want to address those now. Nicely, of course.

A reminder of the path CPIE is on.

CPIE Forked from Pancake: Yes

There was some questions asked in relation to where tokens were going after burns. Polygonscan’s sequencing of events isn’t the clearest, but the accusation those tokens are being added back to marketing or dev wallets is completely and utterly false.

The owner of the MasterChef contract has 10% of new minted tokens by the default design of PancakeSwap. It is literally a carbon copy. “PancakeSwap on Polygon” isn’t just a catchphrase, it’s ingrained within the tokenomics of $CPIE and works exactly the same.

So, yes, burns are burns. Gone, forever.

Bit of a silly argument in the first place, but nice to address this directly and hopefully stop this accusation in its tracks.

If anyone is still unsure as to this, please reach out to our Official Telegram and we’d be happy to show you where tokens go, and to which wallets etc.

We are completely transparent, and everything that the team does is for the growth of CremePieSwap.

CPIE being used to pump 100x or LZ: No!

Again, factually untrue.

We absolutely get that there are community members who are specifically here for CPIE, or 100x, either/or.

They are two separate projects, with their own identities.

The fact that the people who helped build one, also helped build the other, happens in crypto every day of the week, and it is not something that should be taken as negative or any form of nepotism.

David Schwartz is the CTO of Ripple, but it didn’t stop him from co-founding Polysign. This is a mainstream example of exactly the proposition here. Yet their communities actually adore them for it, as they see it as building a future for Crypto instead of just a token itself.

The Creators of the XRPLedger, creating a new project for the good of crypto

Because that’s what smart people do. Work with other smart people, to build stuff that has a future use-case. Not some BS pump & dump FADcoin.

This is standard practice in Crypto. It isn’t to pump one project, or give benefit to another, it’s simply using skills to build new projects within an ecosystem of defi products.

So, using very relevant theory within the same vertical market, this argument is inherently false too. In as nice a way as possible, of course.

Changing the Tide

On that note, it’d be great to start moving the conversation on to the growth of this project, and constructive methods of doing that.

We are always open to suggestions, and welcome constructive stuff at anytime. But, we would like to see an end to baseless accusations that only damage the project, rather than give us the ability to prove it to you.

We value your contribution to the CPIE project, and give our undeterred focus on making it a success.

We will continue to build this project until it gets to where we all have hopes of it being, and that starts with great new features like the Lottery. There’s so much good news within CremePieSwap, and huge updates within the 7–10 days.

The Lottery is just getting started…

There will also be some updates to the website, including a new blog subdomain and some other cool features.

Maybe even some burns, some lottery surprises, or a mixture of the two?

A tantalizing prospect. I’ll leave you to ponder what that might look like, but we are only just getting started.

Let’s go $CPIE!

